
SCRUBS: The Best Gift for Healthcare Professionals
The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value. – Charles Dudley Warner Fancy quote, right!? But it holds utmost importance when selecting an appropriate...
SCRUBS: The Best Gift for Healthcare Professionals
The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value. – Charles Dudley Warner Fancy quote, right!? But it holds utmost importance when selecting an appropriate...

Scrubs Speak: What Your Choice of Work Attire S...
Scrubs have grown into the dominant type of hospital workwear and are taken as a symbol that you “work with patients.” From your first day of clinicals onwards, you will...
Scrubs Speak: What Your Choice of Work Attire S...
Scrubs have grown into the dominant type of hospital workwear and are taken as a symbol that you “work with patients.” From your first day of clinicals onwards, you will...